I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I’m not sure what I’ll end up doing in the future. I got my medical cert done for an MMC (merchant mariner credential), which is less of a hurdle than I thought. The people at the urgent care were quite nice, and said they had 7 last week, or something to that effect. They even had both forms, med cert and drug test forms already printed (I had them too because I like to be prepared yk). It will take about a week to get results back, then I think I request them, and then send them in to some sort of agency. I’m still not sure what’s the path though. My thinking goes like this.

I have a car in Alabama, along with clothes and personal items. It would be a good idea to try to sell the car (It’s a quite nice car, and I might keep the vin in mind if I could see about buying it when I have more money and time, and stability, but right now I like being nimble) and maybe take my most important items to california so they dont get lost, or discarded.

If I didnt go to Alabama it could mean my stuff sitting in a storage unit for up to a year or more, which eh, not the best, I dont want the rats to get it.

So I’ll likely go to Alabama, sell the car, and then something.

The obvious option is just to go to college for four years.

I have a scholarship that knocks tuition down to 2k/yr and cost of living can be pushed low if I need it to be.

Hopefully from the two sources of income I have it will be enough to maybe save up 5k? I’m not sure.

I want to pay for my own life from now on so I have control without the pressure of living on someone else’s dime and the possible implicatons of that.

With a part time job, maybe with experience from autozone, I think I’ll be able to support myself. Maybe Also applying other places that want my other skills would be a fair idea.

Before alabama there are some considerations. The strongest foce I feel twoards what I want to do in life is probobly just to have free time and explore. I think there is an overwhelming pressure to have “a job” and like do a thing xyz whatever. I dont think I’m willing to completely just say screw it, and bravely charge into the unknown just yet, although having half the year to do that sounds like a good medium.

I wonder how that developed. I’m defenetly more seceptable to that kind of social pressure than I was when I was younger.

Day by day.


  • STAR center TECH program
  • CAL maritime (admissions opens oct1)

honstly no se

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