When thinking about potential buisnesses, one comes to the front of my mind more than any other. It might seem weird, but golf ball diving is that buisness. I dont exactly know why to be honest. It seems like it has the perfect mix of a bit of adventure, luck, and pay that I would like. As I’ve learned, one of the most important things is getting an MVP. For golf ball diving I think this would look like a mesh bag, swim shorts, and some goggles. I’m going to be going to school at The University of Alabama at the start of 2024, and this seems like it would be a good place to start. I put in a major of comp-sci, mostly because it seems to be something easy to provide value to people with. Computers are also cool, and I dont understand enought about them in all honesty. It would be a funny sight a computer scientist (although I dont know even if I had the degree I would box myself into that ) that is out there diving for golf balls. It also seems like a pretty scaleable buisness. say you have a bunch of college kids combing the lakes of alabama golf courses (there are more than expected). and you have many dorm rooms to keep the golf balls to sell later. Some companies that buy the balls want 5k - 15k per pickup, which seems reasonable. they offer a range of 2 cents to 65 cents per ball. Maybe you get around 30 cents average. Say it takes one person one day to get 1000 balls. 15 days to get 15,000 balls. You might get 4500 for that. Easy to branch out and such. I defenetly want to try it, and the limited startup cost, and scalability make it seem worthwhile.