I dont want to seem like I dont like learning, but I think I like learning for different reasons than other people. To be honest I dont really like the act of learning. I like to have learned a thing. To have a new superpower. I like being able to do more things, and think about things in differnt ways, but leanring for learning’s sake doesn’t really appeal to me. I might be a bit wrong about that when it comes to math. For some reason the ability of math to give me a problem that has nothing to do with anything is pretty interesting. That isn’t true all the time though. A lot of the time I need to know the why for why I am learning something. Like I said, I dont care to learn about something that has no use to me. This is a blessing and a curse. A lot of the time I find myself wishing I was someone else, who had this just want to know every possible thing. I know a few people like that that just couldnt stop reading when they were children, but I was not one of those children. CGP grey is defenetly an ecception. This need to have some sort of use to the thing I’m learning is why I think ive struggled to read a lot of physics books all the way through. I havent really given it an honest go, but one of the fantasies I’ve had is reading an entire physics book all the way through. The problem? Well, I dont know that it would be especially useful? I know the basics of newton’s laws, and torque, and E&M and a little bit of quantum, but if I knew some physics book front to back, I dont think the benifit would be worth the cost. Some day I might. At the moment I dont find myself wanting to specifically learn a lot. Thats with the caviat that my definition of a lot, might be a bit overkill of devoting every waking moment to a thing. I think I learn more than average, but still a lot of my time is waisted looking at youtube and playing mario. I have two big things on the docket for the near future, and a few backburners


  • VW Repair (for fastback project)
  • Fusion reactors (for fusion reactor project)


  • Blockchain related things (Still may finish more than just mas.s62 pset 1) To be fair I dont think I gave myself enough credit on pset 1. It was in a language (go) that I had no experience in which meant that I read a golang book over the course of a month. The thing is that the lectures were just so so so boring oh my god so boringggggg. No offense mit ocw, but after the first pset the lecture about signatures is just really really boring. I might come back to it, but doing learing about cosmos blockchains seems more fun, and like this whole blog post is about, what I’m learning needs a purpose. I had this idea for a chain that generates unique cards, but thats on the backburner now.
  • Web app to figure out the best place to live to max money accounting for income, expenses, taxes
  • Sha2git.com (sha2git.com was fun to make as it let people share SHA-2 git repos specifically, however the market didnt really seem to be there. Not too much down the drain though, and I got to learn about PSQL, Reverse proxies, NGINX, SSL, how to setup a VPS, how to use SSH, and a bunch of other stuff, also as I’ve said before, I must learn with a purpost, and all of these were learned with a purpose, otherwise they were useless and boring, but with a purporse they were fun). To be clear most of the code was already open source, and I mostly just blocked specific actions, changed logos, and changed instructions for creating repos and made a few things different. That is most of programming tho sooooo, well not all of it.
  • Getting better at oil painting is on the backburner sort of, I’ve got a great book, but I really just dont have that much of a use for the skill. It’s cool, but for another time.

It was kinda cool seeing all the things i’ve made when I put together my mit maker portfolio. Now that i’m better at making things than I was, hopefully there will be more to come.