Well I failed my drivers test, not the best feeling. Basicaly what happened was a few things

  1. I went first out of two people

This was my first mistake. Me and another person were taking the test, and I shouldve let them go first to get info about what the test was in reality.

  1. In paralell parking I was working on incomplete information.

I thought that the most important thing was to be as close to the curb as possible. It’s important, but if you go over the curb you’re fucked

  1. I went over the curb

Well not really a curb, but the line. It was my fault, I probobly was trying to do it too quickily.

I thought you got two tries but that’s an automatic fail

  1. Thinking you’re in forward when you’re in reverse.

This one really gets to me and it’s hard to admit. I think its what really was the nail in the coffin. I was told I hit the cone and went further into the line and grass.

Man I feel pretty stupid right now. It really sucks.

What to do now?

Well the only thing I can do is study the sheet they gave you on why you failed, and read up as much as possible on how to paralell park correctly.

Maybe asking the driving school people for some tips too.

Yeah I messed up, it stung pretty bad, and to add insult to injury the person I was with passed. Its better that they passed, but fuck ya know? makes you feel pretty low.

I am not defeated, I will try again, this is a lesson I will try to learn from.