You know how you’re becoming your father? Nothing convinces me more than the fact that the only music that sounds good to me at the moment is Simon and Garfunkel. Not that it’s bad, The boxer and Mrs. Robinson slap. I justt think its kinda funny. in other news I wrote a medium article about sha-2 Git and how it can be used. It’s kinda interesting being what is almost the soul source of information on a topic. Sorry Git’s website, but your documentation on sha-2 git is absolute shit. Hopefully people see it, and get some benifit from it. Not that it’s a bad thing that I feel like I’m becoming my father, I hope to improve on a lot of things, but it’s a great starting point. Feeding myself when I’m working intensely on a project is a thing I could be better about. At the moment I’m about to finish up school and AP tests. I prolly should study more, but I’ll get credit for anything above a 3 (passing) and other projects seem more interesting at the moment. I finally got gitlab GDK running. Out of all the distros listed on their website the only one that worked was the latest ubuntu one they listed. I’m not sure it even really works, but it installed, and that’s a starting point. I wonder if I’ll do programming as a job job. A lot of things in the world interest me but I wouldnt call myself a “programmer” I like biology and nuclear physics and math and lockpicking (although I’m not good at it) and building things most of all. I see it as a useful tool in my aresenal. Nobody knows about computers, seriously nobody knows almost anything about computers. Not to say that’s a bad thing, I belive in freedom, and programming is likely the hardest thing I’ve ever learned. It is extremely difficult to know where to start. my advice? I think the best idea is to get an arduino and program the light on it as a first project. It has it’s own IDE and is written in something similar to C I think. Anyway, it’s not impossible or depricated to shit. I think expectations are also important. Do you want to build really cool shit? Well its going to be fucking impossible, I mean guessing a random string of 256 1’s and 0’s being able to walk from LA to NY blindfolded, if you dont have the ground floor. Program the classic “hello world” it’s a right of passage. Choosing a language is another thing. I remember talking to my dad about programming languages and feeling kinda overwhelmed. What the hell are all these things? Where do I write it? Programming languages are like cars. They come in different shapes, sizes, uses, but unless you are using some obscure language, or a markup language, or haskell, you will be able to port knowlege from one to another. Syntax differentiates (syntax means the way code is written). But god I remember how hard it is to just be stuck on an error for hours, or when something should work, but it just doesnt and you dont know how to fix it. More advice I would give to my previous self would be to seek out a mentor from a local school, university, makerspace. Someone who has walked the road before and can help you when you have questions or are stuck. Chat GPT is good for these easy general questions too if you dont have someone on hand. BEWARE Chage GPT has given me such wrong coding information it’s not funny. Dont trust it as a source. If you want to find a book, books are usually good for learning programming. search for javascript programming book filetype:pdf into google and enjoy. This works for most things. There will be errors in all books, learn to be sceptical about what the book says and check current documentation if you want.

sigining off for now